On Mon, 03 Nov 2008, Martin Makundi wrote:
> Not really, I have large chunks (containers.. actually a ListView...).

OK, it doesn't look like it's that then.

> Can you be more specific about this? In what context should the
> parsing results be cached?

Look at where IMarkupSettings.getMarkupCache() is being 
called. It seems that whenever a MarkupContainer is looking 
for its associated markup, it's using the markup cache, 
which in turn returns Markup objects that are already 
parsed markup.

> You could try ajax-updating a large web page, say having a table with
> 2000+ rows, and profile it. Do the results look ok for you?

It would be good if you could provide a minimal quickstart 
on which you can reproduce this. Also, 2000+ rows in a table 
on a web page does not sound like very handy to me :)

> I will have a look, but I am not yet very familiar with Wicket
> internals... the 'what should be''s and nots

Me neither, but luckily it's open source :)

Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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