Also, can you share what you get from Wicket that you don't get from GWT?
That would be useful for those who venture on this list considering GWT
versus Wicket.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Richard Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> If ExtJS essentially gives you what you want in the way of widgets, why not
> look into integration of ExtJS and Wicket? In the near future, we will be
> migrating our applications that use ExtJS to Wicket. There has already been
> some work done in this area. See the following links.
> ExtJS 2.2:
> ExtJS 2.0:
> -Richard
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Ladislav Thon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > At the same time, I want to embed certain GWT or GWT-Ext widgets in the
>> > Wicket pages because they are really cool and would take a considerable
>> > effort for any developer to implement them in javascript.
>> Sounds like an idea I also had before: using GWT to create rich JavaScript
>> components embeddable in any kind of HTML page (be it static, Wicket
>> generated or whatever). Not really a Wicket question, but still.
>> One can think of using GWT to produce highly optimized JavaScript which
>> exports some API to plain JavaScript you write -- gwt-exporter
>> might be useful to do this. Maybe
>> it
>> is possible to create standard GWT "application" consisting only of your
>> library and a few lines of code to actually export the API (which should
>> prevent GWT compiler from optimizing your library out :-) ). Not tested
>> that, though.
>> Hope that helps.
>> LT

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