Hello Anton,

Have a look at: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/http.html#Proxy%20Support

maybe this helps?




shows this configuration:

<VirtualHost ordering.company.com>
  ProxyPass / http://appserver.company.com:8080/ordering/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://appserver.company.com:8080/ordering/
  # Apache 2.2+ only
  ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /ordering /

as impossible until getApplicationSettings().setContextPath("/");
But it says in 1.3 it must work because it uses relative paths.
My experience shows that <contextPath> is still added in URL in links
and I don't know why.

Was anyone successfull in deploing Wicket 1.3.5 when Tomcat is used by
Apache through mod_proxy?
If yes, please, send me example of configuration. What I need to do in web.xml?

Thank you,

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Martin Tilma
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