Session/state-fullness is the no. #1 concern for me about Wicket. If you like to keep an eye on certain object trees during runtime, as an alternative to external profiling (which I've always found cumbersome) you can use TopCoders memory usage component:


Bruno Cesar Borges wrote:
Maybe would be a good idea if Wicket could report memory usage for 
non-Wicket_Components (and non-standard Java objects, like String and 
Collections) in memory. I don't know if this could ever be possible.

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Ladislav Thon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008 14:21
Assunto: Re: Wicket Session grows too big real fast

Agree. I was almost shocked :-) by Martijn's e-mail about keeping references
between pages. I believed it is a "standard" practice to keep reference to
previous page for the purpose of "cancelling", and of course do it all the
time. It seems very natural to me. O-oops.


2008/11/26 Piller Sébastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I vote for such a document, too. I am now trying to reduce my session size
too, and if I could find some hints somewhere (ie, "be extremly carefull
with anonymous subclasses", etc) it may be a big plus.

jhp a écrit :

Removing references pointing to previous pages solved a lot, very good
Also making sure that individual domain objects don't get stored to
makes  a difference. I have still a lot of code to go through to make sure
that all unnecessary references don't get stored to session, but making a
few changes in the most important pages makes already a big difference.

I noticed that this is a problem that others have experienced too. I guess
it is pretty easy unintentionally stuff the session with domain objects
if using modern day persistence framework, those domain objects can be
large if they have collections etc.

I think there is a need for small document outlining the common pitfalls
remedies for them. I haven't seen such. Wicket reference of course tells
about LoadableDetachableModel, but this thread has info that I haven't
anywhere else. I might try compose such a document, if I just have the
and energy in the near future.

Thanks to Martijn, Johan and John for your responses!


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