It is not possible to extend enums nor annotations. And as the question here is about the use of @AuthorizeInstantiation, there's no way to declare MyEnum[], of course :-)

So, the only way, for now, to have type-safety is using that Class-thing. I don't vote for this though. A simple class with String constants does de job quite well. :-D

James Carman wrote:
But, you can declare the values "property" to be of type MyEnum[].  Is what
we're really looking for here the ability to extend an enum (if that even
makes sense)?  I've often thought it would be nice if I could add stuff to
an enum from the outside.  But, that kind of goes against the idea of an
enum, doesn't it?

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:51 PM, Bruno Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

Well... you can't do this:

@Foo(values={MyEnum.FOO,  MyEnum.BAR});

@interface Foo {
 Object[] values() default {};


James Carman wrote:

What do you mean by "Enums as Objects"?

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:11 PM, Bruno Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well... You don't have to create one java file for each class. You can
all of them on the same file, like:

public final class MyAppRoles {
 private MyAppRoles() {}
 public static final class Admin extends Role {
     private Admin() {}

 public static final class User extends Role {
     private User() {}

Note that this is really type-safe, and these classes will never be
But, I'm not defending that we should change that. I'm just showing a
possibility. :-)

I really did't understand why Sun decided to reject Enums as Objects in
this context of annotations.


James Carman wrote:

I don't know about this.  It would work (and break existing code, unless
use something other than value for the annotation).  I don't know if I
want to have to create a new class for each role in my project.  Yes, it
would be a small price to pay, but it just feels wrong.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 10:33 PM, Bruno Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]


I've found a way to implement a type-safe check for this. Here it goes:

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

@AuthorizeInstantiation(value = { User.class, Admin.class })
public class EnumAnnotation {


@Target( { ElementType.PACKAGE, ElementType.TYPE })
@interface AuthorizeInstantiation {

 Class<? extends Role>[] value() default {};


class Role {

class User extends Role {

class Admin extends Role {

So, the only thing that must change is the annotation
@AuthorizeInstantiation, to accept classes that extends roles.

Thoughts anyone?


Bruno Borges wrote:

You simply can't do that because the nature of Annotations.

Even if AuthorizeInstantiation's values were of type Object[] you
be able to do that with Enums.

You will have to use Strings.

Although there's some hack you can make using Java 6 to accomplish
you want. If you are interested, take a look at this link:<>
         Good luck!!


miro wrote:

I am using this  @AuthorizeInstantiation   (wicket authetication
in my pages , the code for this annotation

@Target( { ElementType.PACKAGE, ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface AuthorizeInstantiation {

  * Gets the roles that are allowed to take the action.
  *      * @return the roles that are allowed. Returns a zero length
array by
 String[] value() default {};

I created my enum with representing authorities

public enum  Authorities {


I am trying to use  AuthorizeInstantiation   in my page  here an
public class HomePage extends BasePage {

this line does not compile, I get the error
The value of annotation attribute AuthorizeInstantiation .value must
constant expression  .please help me resolve this .


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