Eclipse WTP+Tomcat is really great :)

The other setting I think you need is in the Server view, double click the tomcat server and use 'Serve modules without publishing' so it doesn't have to restart the server for changes (hot code/markup). For me it is nice to be able develop/test on the same server version the application will be deployed on.

John Krasnay wrote:
I use Tomcat via the Eclipse WTP. Here are some quick instructions if
you're using Maven:

- add the wtpversion and wtpContextName elements to your
  maven-eclipse-plugin config


- regenerate your Eclipse project: mvn eclipse:eclipse

- in Eclipse, refresh your project. You should see a little globe in the
  top right corner of your project icon.

- open the Servers view, right click it, and add a Tomcat server. You'll
  have to tell it about your Tomcat install directory.

- right-click your newly created server, select Add and Remove
  Projects..., and add your project to the server.

- start the server by clicking the little bug icon in the Servers view.

I've heard others on this list favour Jetty over Tomcat for reasons of
startup time and hot code replace, but I've not had either problem with
Tomcat. It starts fast (~10 seconds for my app, most of which is
starting up Spring and Hibernate), and hot code replace works unless I'm
changing the "shape" of a class (e.g. adding fields or methods).


On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 11:34:41AM +0100, Björn Tietjens wrote:

I am developing a webapp with wicket on eclipse, deploying as war, using a local tomcat for testing.
What is the best/easiest way to debug my app with eclipse?
How can I deploy/start the webapp from within eclipse or how can I attach eclipse to tomcat in order to debug my code?

Thanx for your help.
Cheers Björn

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