We use at work Wicket 1.3.4 (going to 1.3.5) soon so we don't have any
generic issue.
I've created a Wicket project at home with 1.4_rc2 just to check it out (and
do some testings).
I've created a From and it asks for <T> which is the model object type.

I checked some discussions, especially
http://www.nabble.com/generics-to18083910.html#a18083910 .
But I bit confused.

As I understand, if I have a bean that will be used in a
CompoundPropertyModel, then I should put this as the T parameter, right?
If I don't use a special model or a type in that model, what should I put?

It's very easy for me to understand the generics for the IModel, but for the
component, I'm still lost.

I know it was discussed many time, but I would thank for any comment.

Eyal Golan

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LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/egolan74

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