Hi all,
     I am working with flex and wicket and I would like to get a full
integration. What I mean is that a wicket's model page will be updated in
case someone uses a flex component that called a blazeds service. I run
succesfuly http://ryangravener.com/wordpress/?p=21, which I would like to

My problem is how to get wicket session, for getting the model's page which
I would like to update.

Some ideas that come up to my mind are:

a. using cookie JSESSIONID to get wicket session.
b. getting HttpSession through FlexContext to get Wicket Session after:
        HttpSession session = FlexContext.getHttpRequest().getSession(true);

Is this possible? This is the web.xml file config according ryangravener:

  <!-- WICKET FILTER -->


<!-- BLAZE  -->



Fernando Wermus.


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