Hi Bruno,

I'm a beginner in wicket, also in liferay and was able to
use wicket to construct a portlet.

My first experience was a bit tough, a lot of minor problems
Take a look at all the things find in the internet, I was trying to
make a simple doc with all the issues but I was not able.

The 2 most important things I remember:

1). Add to your portal-ext.properties this line

2). Never call your appl/portlet-name with the same name
as the url-mapping.

Hope this helps

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Bruno Ledesma <led.br...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Everyone!
> Im currently developing portlets with Wicket 1.4-rc2 and liferay 5.2 . They
> have some compatibility issues (portlet names must be equal the wicket
> filter-mappings). Does anyone know anyother issues? I saw in liferay foruns
> some guys that are developing portlets (in liferay) with wicket, but i dont
> know if they handled compatibilty issues changing some wicket or liferay
> code...
> If someone that did this kind of job, it would be great to have some
> feedback!
> thanks !
> Bruno Ledesma

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