Hello all

Christopher L Merrill <ch...@webperformance.com> wrote:

> We obviously need to keep very good separation between the business
> logic and presentation layers, since there will be 2 presentation layers
> :>

We have a similar architectural design for our ORICO (Open RIsk and
COmpliance) Tool. There is a web client and there is a native (Swing)
client. What we did was to write Gozer (GPLv3). Gozer - as the name
implies - has something to do with XUL.

When using Gozer you describe your UI in an XML file which is converted
into a object hierarchy which is then taken by a renderer (Swing, Wicket,
FOP, Excel, ...) and rendered into the actual UI. This works quite good
with Wicket and FOP, Swing lacks a bit behind in development but is
promising as well.

So what we have is a complete abstraction of the UI logic which is then
reused for every platform without us having to rewrite anything. This of
course comes with some cut backs, but if you are willing to take them,
Gozer is the solution to build UIs very quickly.

> 1) We need to have an "application" object/singleton to hold things
> like "online/offline" mode - so we can, for example, bring the
> application down for maintenance and give the user an intelligent
> response.  In Wicket, I think that would be the Application object?  I
> assume we'll need to make that reference a MyApplication object - how do
> I expose that to both Wicket and the WS APIs?  JNDI?

I'd go the entry server way where access to the web application goes
through some reverse proxy. When your application goes down, the entry
server can return a intelligent response.

Concerning the online/offline topic. What we planned is that the Swing
client can be used in offline mode. To do so, you synchronise some data
with an embedded database (Derby) prior to going offline. Since all our
primary keys are UUIDs, synching is (at least theoretically) no pain at


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