You'll need the AspectJ AOP support for this. Wicket components aren't
Spring beans.


On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Ben Hutchison<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are using the Spring @Transactional annotation on a method of a Wicket
> Panel, and it does not appear to be doing anything. From some reading
> around, I had kind of assumed that @Transactional would work in Wicket
> components, but Im now wondering whether it does.
> (We've gone through the usual suspects in the app context and everything
> seems correct there.)
> Can anyone confirm under what circumstances/pre-conditions @Transactional
> definitely does/not work?
> If so, how does the Spring annotation scanner become aware of Wicket
> components? And how could it substitute a CGlib-modified dynamic subclass
> with AOP hooks installed, when the Panel is instantiated with a 'new'
> operator?
> Regards
> Ben
> --
> *Ben Hutchison
> Senior Developer
> * Level 2 476 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
> T 613 8807 5252 | F 613 8807 5203 | M 0423 879 534 |
> <>
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