Looks good - I have some form-generation wicket-scala material that I'm 
trying to get out. Fodels look interesting - I have something similar but 
maybe not as general.

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 18:56:09 +0200, Antony Stubbs wrote:

> Ok for those following this thread - Wicket-Scala Extensions is out!
> Announcement here:
> http://www.nabble.com/Announcing:-Scala-Wicket-Extensions-Project-
> Cheers,
> Antony Stubbs,
> sharca.com
> On 14/07/2009, at 11:34 AM, Antony Stubbs wrote:
>> omgosh -
>> http://www.footprint.de/fcc/2009/02/london-wicket-presentation/ I've
>> met you! haha. haaaa... Isn't the internet nutty?!
>> On 14/07/2009, at 7:14 PM, Jan Kriesten wrote:
>>> Hi Antony,
>>> great to see Scala and Wicket getting more popular. :-)
>>> I've been using them together quite a while now and am convinced that
>>> there are
>>> lots of benefits in it!
>>> I created a dynamic component (like wicket:component which isn't
>>> officially
>>> supported) which also works with Ajax. There's also a 'VarModel' which
>>> is
>>> similar to your Fodel. You'll find the sources here:
>>> http://www.footprint.de/fcc/2008/11/some-wicket-scala/
>>> I also use Scala's mixin capabilities to abstract layout information
>>> out of the
>>> pages/components. E.g. to define cell styles of datatable columns or
>>> to format
>>> cell output, I have something like:
>>> trait Centered[T] extends IStyledColumn[T] {
>>>   abstract override def getCssClass: String = {
>>>     val style = super.getCssClass
>>>     if( style==null ) "columnCentered"
>>>     else style + " " + "columnCentered"
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> trait DateFormat[T] extends PropertyColumn[T] {
>>>   override protected def createLabelModel( embeddedModel:
>>> IModel[T] ):
>>> IModel[_] = {
>>>     val m = super.createLabelModel( embeddedModel ) m.getObject match
>>>     {
>>>       case dt: DateTime =>
>>> VarModel( dt.toString( dateFormatter.withLocale( getLocale ) ) )
>>>       case _ => m
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> To create/apply a cell to use this style I just have to apply this
>>> trait:
>>> val col1 = new PropertyColumn[M]( new Model( "Date" ), COL_DATE,
>>> "reg_date" )
>>> with Centered[M] with DateFormat[M]
>>> Scala's just great to abstract more between logic and layout.
>>> Best regards, --- Jan.
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