Hello everyone!

I have read a lot of forum posts and defects/feature requests around testing
form posts with ajax and am still confused.  The simple question I have is,
"How do I invoke the behavior associated with an AjaxButton as well as the
form processing logic, like validation?"  An even simpler question might be,
"Should I be testing by driving the webapp (Selenium,etc...) instead of
WicketTester for Ajax form posts?

Read on for more details on my struggle...

I am using Wicket 1.3.5.

I have a form that is submitted via an AjaxButton, overriding onSubmit(
AjaxRequestTarget anAjaxTarget, Form aForm ).  I can easily invoke it's
behavior by using executeAjaxEvent( path, "onclick" ), but this obviously
doesn't make use of the FormTester.  I can explicitly set the model object
on each of my TextFields and then call executeAjaxEvent( path "onclick" ),
but this obviously bypasses the form validation logic.  Am I missing
something?  I hope someone out there has been through this already.  I
appreciate all of the help I've gotten so far, so thank you all.


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