Hello all,

First of all, great mailing list and awesome knowledge assembled here. Some of the posts are true eye-openers...

I have a little problem with Wicket, or - more likely - with my usage of it. Here goes:

I am creating a AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable and add a couple of rows and my own data provider to it. Nothing special until now. However, my data provider implements the count() and iterator(int, int) methods in a way that the result is depending on a filter field on the page. So basically, you can restrict the results in the table by filtering the name by the value in that field.

All of this works great, I get a page counter that works fine and all is refreshed nicely via Ajax by calling:


when the form with the filter field is submitted. Also, the correct amount of hits and pages is always displayed in the header.

However, if I ever filter so that the results of that search are less than the paging amount, the header disappears. No surprise there, that is what I expect: one page, no header. If I then change the filter so that more than one page of data is returned, the header of the table stays gone. There is no way short of refreshing the whole page to get the header to come back.

Does anybody have any idea on why that is?
I RTFM and STFW but apparently nobody has had that problem before (or I am too retarded to find it).

Thanks a lot for your help,


Flow Traders B.V.
Che Schneider
Software Development

c...@flowtraders.com <mailto:c...@flowtraders.com>
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