Sorry for the duplicate post.  I don't think my first post went through.


I have looked at the examples and the javadocs but can't figure out how
to do the following.  I am a wicket newbie.


I want to create a wizard with 2 steps implemented as panels.


Step 1:  Asks the user to enter some information.  Validates that the
information entered is in the database before moving to step 2.  [I have
this working]

Step 2:  Based on the information entered in step 1, look in the db for
the matching data and display the rest of the information.  [part I am
having trouble with]


This is to implement a forgot password functionality.  Based on the
username entered in step 1, look up a question in the db, then display
the question to the user in step 2 so they can answer it.  Then after
successfully answering the question perform some logic to reset the


I am just having trouble with the move from Step 1 to Step 2.  I assume
the success logic would be implemented in the onFinish() method of my


The code  [just displaying the constructors]:


       public ForgotPasswordWizard(String id) {


              ForgotPasswordModel bean = new ForgotPasswordModel();


              WizardModel model = new WizardModel();

              model.add(new ForgotPasswordStep1());

              model.add(new ForgotPasswordStep2());



       public ForgotPasswordStep1() {

              super(new Model("ForgotPasword"), new Model("Enter your
username [email]"));

              RequiredTextField username = new



              IFormValidator validator = new AccountValidator(username);



       public ForgotPasswordStep2() {

              super(new Model("ForgotPasword"), new Model("Answer your
Security Question"));


              // ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

              // find the question from the db for the user

              ForgotPasswordModel myModel = (ForgotPasswordModel)

              // access the db to get the actual question

              myModel.setQuestion("[the question I shoud show]);

              // ???????????????????????????????????????????????????


              add(new Label("question"));

              add(new RequiredTextField("answer"));







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