Thank you. That was it. I appreciate the help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Vaynberg []
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Form Data Not Available When Testing a TextArea component

clickLink() ? shouldnt you be submitting the form? links dont submit
forms afaik.


On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Caristi, Joe <> wrote:
> I have a very simple Wicket web page with one TextArea for data entry on a 
> form.  This is contained in a NavomaticBorder.  The form works properly, as 
> the data is successfully saved to the database when the Submit button is 
> clicked.  My JUnit test fails however, because the data is null.  I am using 
> the setValue method of the FormTester object, and when I step through the 
> code can see the value being saved.  However, when I execute clickLink() and 
> get into the form submit method, the data is null. I even tried stepping 
> through the Wicket source code, but I can't figure out where the data gets 
> lost.
> Can someone help with this?  Here is my test code:
>      WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(partSelectLicenseWeb);
>      tester.startPage(LicenseDataReplace.class);
>      FormTester formTester = 
> tester.newFormTester("navomaticBorder:licenseDataReplaceForm");
>      formTester.setValue("licenseCode", "xyz");
>      tester.clickLink("navomaticBorder:licenseDataReplaceForm:submitButton");
>      tester.assertRenderedPage(LicenseDataReplaceResult.class);
>      Page resultPage = tester.getLastRenderedPage();
>      numLicensesSaved = resultPage.get("numLicensesSaved").toString();
> Here is my form HTML:
> <form wicket:id="licenseDataReplaceForm" action="">
>      <wicket:message key="copy.paste.license.code">Copy and paste a license 
> code:</wicket:message><br/>
>      <textarea cols="50" rows="1" wicket:id="licenseCode"></textarea><br/>
>      <input wicket:id="submitButton" type="submit" value="Submit"
>            wicket:message="value:submit" />
> </form>
> Here is my (simplified) web page code:
> public class LicenseDataReplace extends WebPage {
>      TextArea licenseCode = new TextArea("licenseCode", new Model());
>      public LicenseDataReplace() {
>            class LicenseDataReplaceForm extends Form {
>                  protected void onSubmit() {
>                        String enteredCode = LicenseDataReplace.this
>                                                .getLicenseCode()
> .getDefaultModelObjectAsString());
>                        ... save enteredCode to database
>                        ... navigate to next page
>                  }
>                  public LicenseDataReplaceForm(String id) {
>                        super(id);
>                  }
>            };
>            NavomaticBorder navomaticBorder = new 
> NavomaticBorder("navomaticBorder");
>            navomaticBorder.add(new Image("logo"));
>            navomaticBorder.add(new Image("message"));
>            Form form = new LicenseDataReplaceForm("licenseDataReplaceForm");
>            form.add(licenseCode);
>            SubmitLink submitLink = new SubmitLink("submitButton");
>            form.add(submitLink);
>            navomaticBorder.add(form);
>            add(navomaticBorder);
>      }
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