Why would you replace the Wicket filter ?

You can have multiple filters defined in your web.xml , they are chained by
your application server.

2009/10/7 Peter Arnulf Lustig <uuuuu...@yahoo.de>

> Great piece of software!
> But how did you manage to replace
> the web.xml filterclass into:
> <filter-class>org.apache.cayenne.conf.WebApplicationContextFilter</filter-class>
> when Wicket needs its own filter class
> <filter-class>org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter</filter-class>

For the persistency question, if you go to filesystem storage and want to
have a decent querying system, you can also consider using a JCR content
repository :


I believe that most of web applications are manipulating hierarchical data,
and for that kind of stuff a Database ORM may not be the most efficient
tool. I think Google Storage uses that kind of approach : hirerachical
filesystem storage.

Of course if you have to do do queries with joins (like in SQL) things will
become much more complicated that with a gold old JPA + Hibernate + DBMS

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