you guys ever hear of transactional isolation? :) databases handle all
this kind of neat stuff for you.


On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Per Newgro <> wrote:
> fachhoch schrieb:
>> Why are you saving the byte arrays in the page instance?
>> I show these files to  user with read-only permission  , so this user can
>> just view these files ,the owner of these files can delete them anytime ,
>> so
>> If I go to database     , upon user click , this file might have been
>> deleted by the user , or when user tries to access this file the   owner
>> might be deleting this file , to avoid such issues I am loading all the
>> bytes to page instance , so no  concurrent access issues .
>> to save them inside temp folders can I ask the page to give some
>> identifier
>> which I can use  to name the folder which contains all the files ?  or do
>> I
>> have to create my own identifier  ?
> With this issues i would rethink my design. Why don't you mark the file as
> "inUse" in DB and if it is in use
> deny delete? So user can only delete file if noone has a copy in use. And as
> Igor posted you can't guarantee
> that your processing never leads to your problem described above.
> Page identifier:
> You could use the + sessionId
> Cheers
> Per
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