
After thinking a bit I came up with a solution (which many of you might call "dirty workaround"). But since no one else came up with a solution
I will stick to it until something better will be provided.

The solution can be found here:


Perhaps someone might find that useful.


Bernhard Grünewaldt schrieb:
Hi folks,

Since my app will be english and german aswell, that is something I need too. I tried to mount and unmount my pages
when the locale changes from german to english or vice versa.
I tried using ResourceModel Strings for the urls, but it's not working the way I want it to be. And it would be a massive amount of code for something that seems to be so simple.

The problem is, that I want both urls to be accessed via the url like in the example:
should be accessible not depending on a specific locale setting.
(Perhaps the locale should change to english or german depending on the url when accessed via a browser bookmark with no session)

The problem is, that you can mount a class multiple times, but for
creating the BookmarkablePageLinks the first one mounted will be used for the link. (tested with wicket 1.4.3).

Wouldn't it be cool to have such a mechanism which uses the Locale setting to generate links and mount pages.

For example (Just pseudo code):

  new HybridUrlCodingStrategy(
    "impressum", ImprintPage.class, Locale.GERMAN)
  new HybridUrlCodingStrategy(
    "imprint", ImprintPage.class, Locale.ENGLISH)

And when you then generate a url you could use:

add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>(

That way both urls would be accessible if bookmarked.
And the user gets the url generated in his locale while browsing through the app.

Is there a cool(=easy) way to do that or will it lead to
a massive code section that mounts and unmounts pages on locale change?


Ilja Pavkovic schrieb:

as we need some SEO optimization I want to provide the following bookmarkable pages:


the native approach would be somethink like:

mountBookmarkablePage("imprint", ImprintPage.class);

mountBookmarkablePage("impressum", ImprintPage.class);

This looks ugly but works.
Now I don't know how to create a bookmarkable links having an url in the expected language.

if( getLocale().equals(Locale.GERMAN)) {
  //create http://xxx/impressum
} else {
  // http://xxx/imprint

Obviously the following code does not help:
  add(new BookmarkablePageLink("link", ImprintPage.class));

Does anyone have a good idea?

Best regards,
    Ilja Pavkovic

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