+1000 to Martijn's comment.  I've released a few open source components -
and none are at the level to be sold.  Not because they can't be used - I do
use them in production.  But because there are a million use cases and I
have no desire, time, or monetary reason to accommodate those use cases.
Instead, if people contact me, I will either build them a custom component
for hire or will allow them to pay me to add features to an open source

Jeremy Thomerson

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 2:54 AM, Martijn Dashorst <martijn.dasho...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> The problem with pre built components is that they never, ever are
> exactly what you want or need. Maintaining such components for other
> people is what I call hell. We are in the business of creating the
> best Java web framework for building your own custom components with
> unprecedented ease. This takes enough time already.
> Anybody is welcome to build component libraries, open source or
> commercially. Our license allows for that and nobody would object to
> creative folks trying to earn a buck or two with their component
> (libraries).
> That this hasn't happened (yet) is mostly because it is so damned easy
> to create your own custom components according to your coding style
> that precisely fit in your application and perform exactly those task
> you intend them to. And conversely it is damned hard to create a
> finished, polished, released component. It is easy to start a
> component, but it is *work* to ship it.
> Martijn

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