Thanks Sven , it is working now , In the beginning it wasn't working at all
but after that I put the ListView and submitLink in a form and then worked.
Thanks again..

<form wicket:id="ListForm">
<td><strong><font size=4>Employer :</font></strong></td>
<tr wicket:id="employersList">
<td><input type="text" wicket:id="companyName" /></td>
<td><input type="text" wicket:id="startDate" /></td>
<td><input type="text" wicket:id="endDate" /></td>
<td><a wicket:id="add" href="#">add</a></td>

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Sven Meier <> wrote:

> Hi,
> if you're using a Link, the browser won't send the edited values back to
> your application.
> Use a SubmitLink instead.
> Sven
> ayman elwany wrote:
>> Hi All ,
>> I'm new to Apache Wicket , I started working with it from 2 weeks and I'm
>> really enjoying it .but I have a little problem that I don't know what is
>> the problem with  it .
>> I have a Listview  contains  three text fields as a table data raw with a
>> Link which "onClick" adds a raw to the List view ,and everything works
>> fine
>> except that the text fields gets cleared whenever I Press the add Link and
>> a
>> new raw added . here is my Html Mark up
>> *HTML:*
>>                <tr wicket:id="employersList">
>> <td><input type="text" wicket:id="companyName" /></td>
>> <td><input type="text" wicket:id="startDate" /></td>
>> <td><input type="text" wicket:id="endDate" /></td>
>> </tr>
>> <tr>
>> <td><a wicket:id="add" href="#">add</a></td>
>> </tr>
>> *J**ava code:*
>> *public class CarPage extends WebPage {*
>>        *  ...... *
>> *         .......*
>> *       ** *private List<Employer> employerList =new
>> ArrayList<Employer>();
>>      public CarPage() {
>>                *........*
>> *                ........*
>>        ListView employersListView=getEmployersListView();
>> add(employersListView);
>>  Link addLink=new Link("add") {...@override
>> public void onClick() {
>> // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>> employerList.add(new Employer());
>> }
>> };
>> add(addLink);
>>      }
>>       private ListView getEmployersListView() {
>> // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>>  ListView employersListView=new ListView("employersList",employerList) {
>> @Override
>> protected void populateItem(ListItem  item) {
>> // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>> Employer employer=(Employer)item.getModelObject();
>> item.add(new TextField<String>("companyName",new
>> PropertyModel<String>(employer, "companyName")));
>>  item.add(new DateTextField("startDate",
>> new PropertyModel<Date>(employer, "startDate"), new StyleDateConverter(
>> "S-", true)).add(new DatePicker()));
>> item.add(new DateTextField("endDate",
>> new PropertyModel<Date>(employer, "endDate"), new StyleDateConverter(
>> "S-", true)).add(new DatePicker()));
>> }
>> };
>>  return employersListView;
>> }
>> * .......*
>> *.......*
>> }
>> class Employer implements Serializable{
>> String companyName;
>> Date startDate, endDate;
>>        //Setters and getters
>> }
>> Thanks in advnce ...
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