Hi all,
I'm using a FIleUpload form component in order to save the full client
filename (path + filename, i.e.
/home/jdoe/myfiles/MyUploadableDocument.pdf), but for what I can see, I can
retrieve only the filename using FileItem.getName().
I've tried to deeply debug wicket code to find the full path, but I only
find client filename, server temp name, content-type, size.

Someone on this forum states that browsers often send only the filename, not
the full path (security reason??), but how can servers bind the source file
without the full name? It must be somewhere, maybe in the servlet request...

Besides, there is a smarter way to retrieve the full name (the one that
appears in the input component!) without perform the upload? My use case
oblige me to use FileUpload form component because the user use browser's
popup search dialog.

Thanks to all,

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