Great! Thanks a lot for this BeanDropDownChoice-Component ... iam a little
bit dissapointed that something similiar is not include inside the
standard-wicket framework....

One again: Great! :o)

elygre wrote:
> elygre wrote:
>> It seems to me that it is a fairly hard requirement that the model and
>> the choice list have identical types. I'll investigate a bit further, to
>> see if I can build a generic mechanism for both a Map and a "bean"-style
>> object.
> After looking deeper into this, I created two different specialized
> DropDownChoices, with different properties. The class signatures
> (interfaces) are as follows with complete code further below
> Now, of all the things I did in Wicket, this is the one thing that turned
> out to be furthest from expectations. It wasn't the hardest, but it was
> the easiest thing that turned out to be hard :-). If there is interest (or
> at least no objections...), I'll create a jira issue and submit this code
> for inclusion into 1.5.
> Class signatures:
> public class MapDropDownChoice<T> extends DropDownChoice<T> {
>     public MapDropDownChoice(String id, Map<T, ?> choices);
>     public MapDropDownChoice(String id, IModel<T> model, Map<T, ?>
> choices);
> }
> public class BeanDropDownChoice<T> extends MapDropDownChoice<T> {
>     public BeanDropDownChoice(String id, List choices, IChoiceRenderer
> renderer);
>     public BeanDropDownChoice(String id, IModel<T> model, List choices,
> IChoiceRenderer renderer);
> }
> Full code:
> public class MapDropDownChoice<T> extends DropDownChoice<T> {
>     public MapDropDownChoice(String id, Map<T, ?> choices) {
>         super(id, new ArrayList<T>(choices.keySet()), new
> MapChoiceRenderer(choices));
>     }
>     public MapDropDownChoice(String id, IModel<T> model, Map<T, ?>
> choices) {
>         super(id, model, new ArrayList<T>(choices.keySet()), new
> MapChoiceRenderer(choices));
>     }
>     private static class MapChoiceRenderer extends ChoiceRenderer {
>         private final Map map;
>         public MapChoiceRenderer(Map map) {
>             super("value", "key");
>    = map;
>         }
>         public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
>             Object value = map.get(object);
>             return value == null ? "" : value.toString();
>         }
>         public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {
>             return object == null ? "" : object.toString();
>         }
>     }
> }
> public class BeanDropDownChoice<T> extends MapDropDownChoice<T> {
>     public BeanDropDownChoice(String id, List choices, IChoiceRenderer
> renderer) {
>         super(id, createMap(choices, renderer));
>     }
>     public BeanDropDownChoice(String id, IModel<T> model, List choices,
> IChoiceRenderer renderer) {
>         super(id, model, createMap(choices, renderer));
>     }
>     static Map createMap(Collection choices, IChoiceRenderer renderer) {
>         Map map = new HashMap();
>         for (Object choice : choices) {
>             map.put(renderer.getIdValue(choice, -1),
> renderer.getDisplayValue(choice));
>         }
>         return map;
>     }
> }

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