
I would start simple, remove Wicket as much as possible from this situation
first. In your DAO or whatever you are using to do the query and load the
results from the DB -- just System.out the contents of the list to the

Until you get that working, don't bother thinking about Wicket and what is
going on there -- it will just muddy the water.

Check your console logs on startup, your persistence framework (Hibernate)
may be crapping out an error that is scrolling by really quick, like it
cannot find a driver or your credentials for the DB connection are wrong.

Also try and check the console when issuing your first query, look for the
same sort of data.

Troubleshoot that DB connection first and foremost. At that point, it's
either a Spring issue or something else, but make sure you get that data out
of the DB first before moving on.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Garrett Fry <>wrote:

> Qualifying information: Im a noob
> Trying to get a DropDownChoice working. Ive read every post I can find, and
> slowly losing my mind. I like to solve my own problems if I can, but I can't
> even debug properly. Everytime I set a breakpoint and step through... the
> Lists that are loaded via spring/hibernate don't get loaded.
> They read size(0). Because the lists dont load, I can't even find out whats
> going wrong in the DropDownChoice.
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