On the form, could you try something like this?  I've never tried it - but
it might work:

protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag) {
    String action = tag.get("action");
    tag.put("action", action + "&myStep=foo");

Jeremy Thomerson

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 5:29 AM, Rommert de Bruijn <r.debru...@func.nl>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm maintaining a web application that's mostly based on wizard steps. My
> question is about the way the wizard modifies the urls.
> I realize that once I've entered the wizard flow, my url's are modified by
> wicket to look like [url]/?wicket:interface=:1::::. I've read earlier posts
> on wizards & urls, and I agree that a wizard step should not (and probably
> can not) be a bookmarkable page. But is it possible to add parameters to the
> url modified by wicket?
> What I would like to accomplish (mainly for farming statistics about the
> visited steps) is to have an identifier of the current step be displayed in
> the url. So when I'm at step 3 I'd like to see the wicket-formatted
> [url]/?wicket:interface=:1::::, but with an additional parameter
> stepIdentifier=3, resulting in something like
> [url]/?wicket:interface=:1::::&stepIdentifier=3. That way -I hope- a tool
> like Google Analytics can show me the number of visits for each step.
> Is it possible to add parameters to a wicket-generated url? I've set up a
> simple POC with the StaticWizard from WizardExamples but once I'm in the
> wizard flow I do not have any control over the url, it seems.
> Thanks in advance,
> Rommert
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