Nevermind - you're most likely using redirect after post (since it's
default).  So, the URL you are referring to is most likely the one that
actually appears after you redirect.  If so, that means the solution I
mentioned a minute ago won't work.  I'm going to bed now.

Jeremy Thomerson

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 12:33 AM, Jeremy Thomerson <> wrote:

> On the form, could you try something like this?  I've never tried it - but
> it might work:
> @Override
> protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag) {
>     super.onComponentTag(tag);
>     String action = tag.get("action");
>     tag.put("action", action + "&myStep=foo");
> }
> --
> Jeremy Thomerson
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 5:29 AM, Rommert de Bruijn <>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm maintaining a web application that's mostly based on wizard steps. My
>> question is about the way the wizard modifies the urls.
>> I realize that once I've entered the wizard flow, my url's are modified by
>> wicket to look like [url]/?wicket:interface=:1::::. I've read earlier posts
>> on wizards & urls, and I agree that a wizard step should not (and probably
>> can not) be a bookmarkable page. But is it possible to add parameters to the
>> url modified by wicket?
>> What I would like to accomplish (mainly for farming statistics about the
>> visited steps) is to have an identifier of the current step be displayed in
>> the url. So when I'm at step 3 I'd like to see the wicket-formatted
>> [url]/?wicket:interface=:1::::, but with an additional parameter
>> stepIdentifier=3, resulting in something like
>> [url]/?wicket:interface=:1::::&stepIdentifier=3. That way -I hope- a tool
>> like Google Analytics can show me the number of visits for each step.
>> Is it possible to add parameters to a wicket-generated url? I've set up a
>> simple POC with the StaticWizard from WizardExamples but once I'm in the
>> wizard flow I do not have any control over the url, it seems.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Rommert
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