On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 12:25 PM, <gurpreet.si...@wellsfargo.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I  am getting strange problem. Setting WebMarkupContainer.setVisible(true)
> is not making all its child visible via Ajax Link.
> My Html code looks like this
> <div wickit:id="wrapper1"><img><a wicked:id="ajaxlink1">Show All</a></div>
> <div wickit:id="wrapper2"><img><a wicked:id="ajaxlink2">Show
> Recent</a></div>
> I need to show one of those links at a time. But somehow setting
> setVisible(true) is not working , but setVisible(false) works

Is that really your code?  There are multiple typos that would stop stuff
from working.  Please paste real code.

Anyway, if you have setVisible(false) on any children, then calling
setVisible(true) on the parent will not make the children also visible.
However, if the parent (webmarkupcontainer) were not visible, then obviously
the children would not be visible, even though their individual isVisible()
methods would return true.

Jeremy Thomerson

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