On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 12:45 PM, <gurpreet.si...@wellsfargo.com> wrote:

> Thanks for replying and sorry about typos. Here is the real code
> <div wicket:id="seeAllWrapper"><a href="#" wicket:id="seeAll"> <img
> src="images/al_faqarrow1_gen.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"
> border="0"/>See All </a></div>
>    <div wicket:id="seeRecentWrapper"><a href="#" wicket:id="seeRecent"><img
> src="images/al_faqarrow1_gen.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" border="0"/>
> View Most Recent </a></div>
> seeAll and seeRecent links visibility is set to default , which I assume is
> true.
> Initialy seeRecentWrapper visibility is set to false and seeAllWrapper
> visibility is set to true.
> On click on seeAll Ajax link I am setting seeRecentWrapper.setVisible(true)
> and seeAllWrapper.setVisble(false)
> On click on seeRecent Ajax link I am setting
> seeRecentWrapper.setVisible(false) and seeAllWrapper.setVisble(true)
> If setting parent component visibility does not affect its child visibility
> So not sure why links doesn't show up. Any idea?

In both links you will need to add both wrappers to the ajax response.  Are
you doing this?

Jeremy Thomerson

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