Forgot to mention that the component is an AjaxEditableLabel and I need to save it to session because I'm creating a custom wicket tag for translation purposes. When in translator mode I want all the labels to be replaced by AjaxEditableLabel's so that the translator can do his job easier.

The problem I have is that when I click on the label of the AjaxEditableLabel, it produces an ajax request in order to change visibility modes and show the edit box. I did my custom tag replacing by implementing an IComponentResolver, which (from what I figured) happens on render. So my AjaxEditableLabel component isn't in the page when the Ajax request arrives. I planned to solve this by fetching the missing component from the session on my own, by overwriting resolveListenerInterfaceTarget. Now when I fetch the original AjaxEditableLabel from the session, all it's children (the Label and TextField) are gone.

Any ideas will be much appreciated.


On 09/23/2010 11:57 AM, Alexandru Artimon wrote:

I have a problem when saving a component to the session, all it's children disappear.
I do the save like this:

    session.setMetaData(MY_KEY, component);


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