I guess you are aware of <wicket:message key=".."> ?

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Alexandru Artimon <
aarti...@dgfoundation.org> wrote:

>  Hello,
> This aproach didn't work for me. I tried first only adding an
> AjaxEditableLabel in my ComponentResolver, but once I clicked the label (in
> order to change into an edit box) wicket complained that it couldn't find
> the AjaxEditableLabel component in the Page. So that's how I ended up
> overwriting resolveListenerInterfaceTarget in order to resolve the
> AjaxEditableLabel. I couldn't return a new instance of it (because adding it
> to the page at this point seems difficult) so I thought to use the session.
> Our intended translation tag looks like this: <wicket:translation
> key="home:nameField">[Here the default value for it]</wicket:translation>.
> We need something like this because we are porting an existing webapp to
> Wicket that has a similar mechanism now.
> Thanks,
> Alexandru
> On 09/23/2010 02:07 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
>> I'm not sure why the children disappear but it looks odd to me to save
>> component in the session in first place.
>> why not:
>> if (request.getParameter("editMode")) { label = new AjaxEditableLabel(id,
>> model);} else {label = new Label(id, model);}
>> parent.addOrReplace(label);
>> ?
>> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Mihai Postelnicu<
>> mposteln...@dgfoundation.org>  wrote:
>>  Guys,
>>> I work on the same project as below (integrating an interface translator
>>> with Wicket) and we are a bit stuck. Any ideas?
>>> Thanks in advance for your time !
>>> Mihai
>>> On 09/23/2010 12:29 PM, Alexandru Artimon wrote:
>>>   Forgot to mention that the component is an AjaxEditableLabel and I need
>>>> to save it to session because I'm creating a custom wicket tag for
>>>> translation purposes. When in translator mode I want all the labels to
>>>> be
>>>> replaced by AjaxEditableLabel's so that the translator can do his job
>>>> easier.
>>>> The problem I have is that when I click on the label of the
>>>> AjaxEditableLabel, it produces an ajax request in order to change
>>>> visibility
>>>> modes and show the edit box. I did my custom tag replacing by
>>>> implementing
>>>> an IComponentResolver, which (from what I figured) happens on render. So
>>>> my
>>>> AjaxEditableLabel component isn't in the page when the Ajax request
>>>> arrives.
>>>> I planned to solve this by fetching the missing component from the
>>>> session
>>>> on my own, by overwriting resolveListenerInterfaceTarget. Now when I
>>>> fetch
>>>> the original AjaxEditableLabel from the session, all it's children (the
>>>> Label and TextField) are gone.
>>>> Any ideas will be much appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Alexandru
>>>> On 09/23/2010 11:57 AM, Alexandru Artimon wrote:
>>>>  Hello,
>>>>> I have a problem when saving a component to the session, all it's
>>>>> children disappear.
>>>>> I do the save like this:
>>>>>    session.bind();
>>>>>    session.setMetaData(MY_KEY, component);
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Alexandru

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