Hello, I have a problem with dropdown list. Even if I select values in the Dropdown list (see picture below), the member variable docType is always null . Unfortunately I have found no error. I hope you can see why this is. Best regards, Mehmet
//################## class DocSearchPage ###################################### ... public class DocSearchPage extends MainTemplate { private TDokar docType; ... public DocSearchPage() { add(getDocTypeDropDown("docType")); ... add(executeLink("execute")); } private TDokarDocTypeDropDownChoice getDocTypeDropDown(String id) { return new TDokarDocTypeDropDownChoice(id) { @Override protected List<TDokar> getTDokarList() { return getDocTypeList(); } @Override protected TDokar getTDokar() { return docType; } @Override protected void setTDokar(TDokar dokart) { dokar = docType; } }; } private Link executeLink(String id) { return new Link(id) { @Override public void onClick() { disItemList = session().getUser().getUserDao().searchDIS(docType.getDokar(), ..); //docType is null } }; } } //######################## end DocSearchPage #################################### ############################## class TDokarDocTypeDropDownChoice ######### package de.t_systems.dks.eba.pages.docsearch; import de.t_systems.dks.eba.beans.basedata.TDokar; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRenderer; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import java.util.List; public abstract class TDokarDocTypeDropDownChoice extends DropDownChoice { public TDokarDocTypeDropDownChoice(String id) { super(id); setModel(model()); setChoices(getTDokarList()); setChoiceRenderer(RENDERER); } private IModel model() { return new Model() { @Override public Object getObject() { return getTDokar(); } @Override public void setObject(Object object) { setTDokar((TDokar) object); } }; } private static final IChoiceRenderer RENDERER = new IChoiceRenderer() { @Override public Object getDisplayValue(final Object object) { TDokar dokar = (TDokar) object; return dokar.getDokar(); } @Override public String getIdValue(final Object object, final int index) { return ((TDokar) object).getDokar(); } }; protected abstract TDokar getTDokar(); protected abstract void setTDokar(TDokar tDokar); protected abstract List<TDokar> getTDokarList(); } ############################## TDokarDocTypeDropDownChoice #############''''''''''''''''''
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