In org/apache/wicket/markup/html/form/Form the method getMaxSize
always returns a Bytes instance.

  public Bytes getMaxSize() {
    Bytes maxSize = this.maxSize;
    if (maxSize == null) {
      maxSize = visitChildren(Form.class, new IVisitor<Form<?>, Bytes>() {
        public void component(Form<?> component, IVisit<Bytes> visit) {
          Bytes maxSize = component.getMaxSize();
          if (maxSize != null) {
    if (maxSize == null) {
return getApplication().getApplicationSettings().getDefaultMaximumUploadSize();
    return maxSize;

Because during the visit traversal, the VERY FIRST Form visited returns
a non-null getMaxSize value. Even it its this.maxSize is null, it
will then return getDefaultMaximumUploadSize.

I suspect what is needed is a isMaxSizeSet method.
The inner visit method would then be:

    if (component.isMaxSizeSet()) {
      Bytes maxSize = component.getMaxSize();

With this, then it is only the Form creating and calling the Visitor
that returns the getDefaultMaximumUploadSize value, and only if
none of its sub Forms have an explicit value.

Also, should the Visitor actually look for the maximum size value
of the children and return it rather than returning the first
value (which may not be the maximum)???

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