can you please open a jira issue so we can track this? thanks.


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 2:26 PM, richard emberson
<> wrote:
> In org/apache/wicket/markup/html/form/Form the method getMaxSize
> always returns a Bytes instance.
>  public Bytes getMaxSize() {
>    Bytes maxSize = this.maxSize;
>    if (maxSize == null) {
>      maxSize = visitChildren(Form.class, new IVisitor<Form<?>, Bytes>() {
>        public void component(Form<?> component, IVisit<Bytes> visit) {
>          Bytes maxSize = component.getMaxSize();
>          if (maxSize != null) {
>            visit.stop(maxSize);
>          }
>        }
>      });
>    }
>    if (maxSize == null) {
>      return
> getApplication().getApplicationSettings().getDefaultMaximumUploadSize();
>    }
>    return maxSize;
>  }
> Because during the visit traversal, the VERY FIRST Form visited returns
> a non-null getMaxSize value. Even it its this.maxSize is null, it
> will then return getDefaultMaximumUploadSize.
> I suspect what is needed is a isMaxSizeSet method.
> The inner visit method would then be:
>    if (component.isMaxSizeSet()) {
>      Bytes maxSize = component.getMaxSize();
>      visit.stop(maxSize);
>    }
> With this, then it is only the Form creating and calling the Visitor
> that returns the getDefaultMaximumUploadSize value, and only if
> none of its sub Forms have an explicit value.
> Also, should the Visitor actually look for the maximum size value
> of the children and return it rather than returning the first
> value (which may not be the maximum)???
> Richard
> --
> Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
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