
I'm trying to apply the behaviors presented by Alastair Maw in his presentation Wicket Forms with Flair (cf http://code.google.com/p/londonwicket/downloads/detail?name=LondonWicket-FormsWithFlair.pdf&can=2&q= )

Basically, Alastair uses behavior to display feedback message specific to some components next to the component in question.

We use our components in form with feedback panel, for non component specific messages.

Overall, we would like these functionalities:
A - no message should be rendered twice
B - no message should be left unrendered (safety net)
C - component specific message should be rendered next to their component
D - when some messages were displayed next to their components, the feedback panel should display a message for it (like "one of more input didn't validate, please check them)

In order to try to achieve that, I used the FeedbackMessage.isRendered() method in both the behaviors and the feedback panel IFeedbackMessageFilter.

However, it looks like the feedback panel is always the first to be rendered, whatever the components ordering. As such, it always get to render first the feedback messages.

I tried to use only behavior based feedback messages display, but looks like the behavior added on the top level elements also always get rendered first.

Next stuff coming in my mind is to keep track of all these behaviors to be able to ask each of these if they would render some message. Doing so in the "safety net" component would allow to avoid duplicates. However, this feels poor to do (list to give around or to access somehow in the background, maybe through some thread local container).

so, the big question: is there a nice and easy way to do that ? Anything better than this behavior tracking stuff is welcome ;)


Joseph Pachod

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