Upgraded to wicket 1.4.16 yesterday, and it seems to cause issues when a form 
is removed after submit. Problem is probably related to the change in 
Wicket-3438 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-3438 
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-3438> )


The usage we have a few places is something like this

onSubmit() {





Used to work fine, but looking at Form#process(IFormSubmittingComponent 
submittingComponent)  it first delegates the submit to our button 
implementation, then calls parameters.remove(getHiddenFieldId()); 

getHiddenFieldId() tries to look up the page to check if it's stateless, but as 
the panel containing the form has been replaced already the form has no parent 


The only place I've encountered that is in parameters.remove(hiddenFieldId); 
could be solved by retrieving the parameter before delegating the submit, and 
removing the parameter after processing is done. Looking at the code it doesn't 
seem like it would be a terribly good idea to remove all the parameters before 
delegating the process, but retrieving it shouldn't be an issue. The rest of 
the parameter cleanup seems to be safe even if the form is removed.



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