Le 08/11/2011 16:43, Martin Grigorov a écrit :

Hello, thanks very much for your quick answer !

The problem is that there are several specifications and all of them
expect different output.
We try to stick to HTML5 because this is the future.

You mean, HTML 5 in Wicket 1.5 ? I tryed to find what was really done to get more "HTML 5 compliant" in that new Wicket version but can't find many more details that what is writen on https://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/wicket-wish-list.html#WicketWishList-Supportofhtml5 : it talks only of new components ? Can't find anything about the way tags are closed, and in HTML 5 it's as of any previous html version right ?

- When using ResourceReference the link tags are closed in the xhtml way :
<link ... />. Should be<link ...>  in HTML.
It seems to be hard coded in HeaderResponse#renderCSSReference()
You can use org.apache.wicket.Application.setHeaderResponseDecorator(IHeaderResponseDecorator)
to setup custom HeaderResponse and modify this.

- In Form components Wicket adds hidden inputs. They are also closed in the
xhtml way. Seems to be hard coded in Form#onComponentTagBody() and
none of these is final. you can override them

This is a lot of code to duplicate !! To put in a balance, of course I'd prefer sticking with those validation errors than to override wicket core components code, and get in trouble when upgrading to the next wicket version (we'll sure do it in a few weeks, and maybe to the 1.5 branch ? At least to the last 1.4.* !).

May Wicket offers something to specify which tag closing maner to adopt ? In the application IMarkupSettings for exemple ? And if Wicket team goal is HTML5, it should be by defaut the html way ?

- DataTable : a SPAN is always added in the TD and TH.
Override DataTable component and provide your own MyDataTable.html.
The .java code will just call super constructors.

As said before, I don't feel very confident in duplicating wicket code and change a very little detail in it. Is there a way to change those span to div in future versions of Wicket ?

- DataTable : the TFOOT node is always sent to the client, even if it's
empty. In that last case, the html code is invalid in html.
I think this is improved in 1.5.x

Good news :)

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