The problem was in the html file.

I used to have this:

<input name="marketWeight" type="text" id="marketWeight" size="6" maxlength="6" wicket:id="marketWeight" />

Needed to change that to:

<input type="text" size="6" maxlength="6" wicket:id="marketWeight" />

"marketWeight" is the component with the ajax behaviour, and it was in a ListView so I had several of them.

I guess something related to replacing the name/id of a component changed from 1.4 to 1.5.


On 2011-12-16 14:15, Anders Peterson wrote:
Hello again, I still have this problem... (been working on other things)

I've tracked the problem back to the request parameters simply not containing the expected values.

This "input name" seems correct since I changed the market weight attribute of the second instrument:

But the HashMap containing parameter values ONLY contain this:

This results in me getting null as FormComponent input.

Anyone know what I've done wrong?


On 2011-10-13 13:46, Anders Peterson wrote:
Here the (simplified) code that creates the ListViev, TextFields and Label. /Anders

On 13 okt 2011, at 12:40, Anders Peterson wrote:


Upgrading to wicket 1.5.1 from 1.4.18 my ajax updates stopped working.

I have a page with a form. Inside the form there is a repetition (ListView) that among other things creates a text field for each item (ListItem). Each of those text fields has an OnChangeAjaxBehavior set that should update a label. The label should continously display the total sum of the numbers in the text fields.

With wicket 1.4.18 (and previous versions) this worked fine.

With 1.5.1 only the first text field in the repetition gets the correct ajax behavior - it works the way I want it, and the way it worked with 1.4.*. The other text fields are "dead", except for focus set/removed. While typing in any of the other text fields nothing is updated (the ajax debug window shows no activity). When focus is removed I get a NullPointerException regardless of what I've changed.

Is this a (known) bug, or is there a difference between 1.4 and 1.5 that I've missed?


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