
Page1 gets the click of the submit button and collects the search word. This 
will be changed into a hash value and set as PageParameter (q=Hashvalue) to the 
ResponsePage which is Page2.
Additionally, I store the hash value into a session HashMap which holds the 
hash value as key and an own class with the original search word. This class 
will be filled with the results from the search of the background thread.

On Page2, I have the PageParameter as hash value and can search for the correct 
entry of the HashMap in the session to react, when the results are found.

I hope, I could describe it.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 14:27:35 -0800
> Von: Dan Retzlaff <dretzl...@gmail.com>
> An: users@wicket.apache.org
> Betreff: Re: Multi Tab and Session

> Hi Andre. I'm trying to understand your setup. A quickstart may be
> required.
> What does your Page1's onSubmit() look like? Specifically I'd like to know
> how Page2 knows to watch for "word2".
> 2012/2/28 Andre Schütz <andre-p...@gmx.de>
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a problem with my application that I am not able to solve since
> >  the last three days.
> >
> > I realized that Wicket 1.5 provides multi tab / multi window support
> > for more than one opened tab in a browser.
> > I have a problem with multiple tabs in my program, that I want to
> > describe now.
> >
> > The program consists of two pages. Page1 contains a search field that
> > will be used to type in a search word.
> > Page2 makes the search on a database, returns the results and
> > displays it as a list. The search will be done from a background
> > thread that stores the result in a hashmap in the session with the
> > search word as the key. Furthermore, Page2 shows a little loading
> > animation that will be updated (AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior), when the
> > result is stored in the session.
> >
> > Now the problem.
> >
> > (1) I open the application in two tabs of the same browser.
> > (2) The URL looks as follows:
> > Tab1 - localhost:8080/appli/?0
> > Tab2 - localhost:8080/appli/?1
> > (3) Tab1 gets word1 in the search field and Tab2 gets word2
> > into the search field.
> > (4) I press the submit button of Tab1, switch to Tab2 and press the
> > submit button, too.
> > (5) The two Threads start to search for the results.
> > (6) During the AjaxSelfUpdatingTimeBehavior, the result panel of Page2
> > checks
> > in its overwritten onBeforeRender method for the results. When the
> result
> > for the search word is found in the session, the updateBehavior of Page2
> > is stopped and the results will be displayed.
> > -> Here starts my problem:
> >
> > None of the two pages will be updated and show the results. If I start
> > the search in one of the Tabs, the process will be finished and the
> > results displayed onto the screen.
> >
> > For me, it seems that both tabs share the same session data and also
> > the same updateBehavior on the Page2.
> >
> > Can anybody help me with that problem? Would be great.
> >
> > --
> > Andre Schütz <schuetz.an...@gmx.net>
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> >

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