
On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Bas Gooren <b...@iswd.nl> wrote:
> After more debugging, I learned some new things about wicket.
> It appears that an invisible stateful link makes a page stateful.
> The base page for this application contains a username label + logout link
> (stateful), which are in a WebMarkupContainer which is invisible if the user
> is not logged in.
> But in the end, even when it is invisble this link makes the entire page
> stateful.
> When I remove that link wicket no longer performs a redirect to /login?0.
> This leads me to two questions to the devs:
> 1) looking at this usecase, does it make sense that a stateful link which is
> not rendered makes the entire page stateful?

This is a good point. I think Wicket's logic to decide whether
something is stateful could be improved to ignore invisible and
disabled components/behaviors. Those should not be reachable anyway.
Please file a ticket.

> 2) when a stateful page is accessed without a session (/login?0) by a client
> which does not support cookies, we get infinite redirects (/login?0 =>
> /login => /login?0 => /login etc). Is this normal behavior?
> This assumes that only cookie-based sessions are allowed.
> Furthermore: (2) was not a problem in 1.5.0 (where /login?0 would not
> redirect back to /login if there was no session...). I understand the need
> for the redirect to /login?0, and love that (ajax changes are still
> available on back button, fantastic!). But, the redirect back from /login?0
> to /login I don't get, especially when there is no session available.

I'll have to debug the application to see what happens exactly. Try to
debug it in org.apache.wicket.request.handler.render.WebPageRenderer#respond().

> Kind regards,
> Sebastian
> Op 22-3-2012 8:00, schreef Martin Grigorov:
>> Hi,
>> A hint for debugging: the request to login?0 should be handled by
>> org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.BufferedResponseMapper not by
>> WebPageRenderer. Check why there is no stored response.
>> A suggestion: try to make your login page stateless. Otherwise every
>> hit to your application will create a new http session. I.e. an
>> attacker can cause a denial of service.
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 12:17 AM, Bas Gooren<b...@iswd.nl>  wrote:
>>> We have the following simple setup:
>>> BasePage checks if user is logged in, if not (and this is not the
>>> LoginPage), RestartResponseException(LoginPage.class);
>>> LoginPage extends BasePage; contains a form to login;
>>> The application runs in the root context.
>>> Now on 1.5.0 this works like a charm;
>>> After upgrading to 1.5.5 we get infinite redirects; testing versions in
>>> between, we've found that the problem occurs>= 1.5.1;
>>> Here's what debugging shows:
>>> 1) When we hit the root url (homepage), it redirects to /login
>>> 2) When the LoginPage (mounted at /login) is hit, WebPageRenderer:266
>>> redirects from /login to /login?0
>>> 3) When /login?0 is hit, WebPageRenderer:214 redirects from /login?0 to
>>> /login
>>> and this loops back to (2)
>>> I've also learned that this does not occur if we do not run the app in
>>> the
>>> root context, so it appears to have to do with url handling.
>>> Looking at the wicket 1.5.1 changelog I don't see anything that was
>>> changed
>>> to break this.
>>> Before doing more debugging, does anyone have a clue what might cause
>>> this?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Sebastian
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Martin Grigorov
Training, Consulting, Development

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