
Op 7-4-2012 20:37, schreef Andre Schütz:
Thank you for the answer, I will try your 4 steps.

Just as information. When you say, that I can make the form
stateless, do you talk about the StatelessForm class?


On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 16:06:15 +0200
Bas Gooren<>  wrote:


I would suggest the following:
1) add a very simple test page: TestPage extends WebPage, which only has
the search form on it (nothing else!)
2) see if that works multiple times in a row
3) if that works, add your google analytics code
4) repeat steps 1-2

In other words: eliminitate all other dependencies, so you can test (in
isolation) if the google analytics code (or the component you've wrapped
it in) is really the issue you are facing.

You say that everything works ok when you add the query parameter for
the search. Having that parameter means you have a form with
method="get"? That, to me, would indicate you can make the form
stateless, which should prevent your search from redirecting to a
stateful url. (The /wicket/page start of the url indicates a stateful page).

But please start with steps 1-4 above to make sure you are looking in
the right place for the cause of your PageExpiredException.


Op 7-4-2012 14:04, schreef Andre Schütz:

I tested the page and could localize the following error:

page expired:


This means. The error occurs, when I make another search via my
search form which is a normal Form with a textfield and a submit
button. But, when I change the keyword in the URL (represented as
q=KEYWORD parameter), the search works without the error.
It seems, that the Form throws the error when the Google Analytics
Code is in the header.

Any idea how I can solve that problem?


On Fri, 06 Apr 2012 19:36:28 +0200
Bas Gooren<>   wrote:

Hi Andre,

No, we have been using the tracking code for years with wicket (1.3, 1.4
and 1.5) with 0 issues.

I'm certain your Page expired error is caused by something else.

   From your description it sounds like your "search results" page is
stateful, but no longer available when you perform a new search. That
can happen for a variety of reasons.
What usually happens to narrow the problem down is to strip the page as
far as possible, and see if it works. Incrementally add components until
it breaks again and you will have found the culprit.

Another possibility is that you have non-standard settings for wicket
session (page) management. But my guess is that this is not the case.

Kind regards,


Op 6-4-2012 19:25, schreef Andre Schütz:

did nobody have the same problem with the new Google Analytics code?

I added the code directly into the .html file of my WebPage class.


On Thu, 5 Apr 2012 14:54:50 +0200
Andre Schütz<>    wrote:


we added the actual Google Analytics Tracking Code into our
Wicket application. The code is rendered on every single
page directly before the closing</head>    tag.

Our problem is the following:
Page 1 with search box ->    search for something
Page 2 is a search site where the search request is done
Page 3 is the result page, where the search result is presented

We do:
Page 1 ->    search for something
Page 2 appears and shows search progress
Page 3 appears and displays the results
Page 3 has a search box and we start another search
-->    Page expired error

Any ideas why this happens and how we can stop that?


Andre Schütz<>

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