Got my portlet to show up in the Portal.  Had my liferay-portlet.xml
incorrect.  But there weren't any errors. 

Now I have a weird situation.  I can add the portlet to my page and it
works.  I do a page refresh and now it won't.  I was able to track down at
least why it is not.  But I don't know how to fix it.

The issue is the resulting URL that is generated for calls for the portlet.
This works:  (just added to the page)

This does not work: (after a page refresh)

The difference is that the second request does not have wickettest after the
portlet name (wickettest-portlet)

I believe this is now more a liferay question but I thought that if any one
that has liferay/wicket experience could help out in this as the two are
very finicky together.

1) why does this occur?
2) how do I fix it?


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