It's a very long time ago that I looked at the API's, so it's likely
things have changed since that time. But the problem I had with both
products is that they are mostly component based API's (meaning they
offer an Accordion component, Autocomplete component, etc.). Imho, a
much more flexible approach for JQuery integration is to offer all
jquery-ui functionality as behaviors. That way existing components (both
from core, other libraries, or your own code) can more easily be
augmented with jqeury-ui functionality. And since it's easy enough to do
it yourself with a few lines of code, I opted to don't use these
libraries at all.
There are a few things that require more thought (e.g. jQuery Tab-UI
combined integrated with Wicket-Ajax functionality, but at least back
then these frameworks didn't offer that in a flexible way either).

So I would say, check the libraries for how you are supposed to add the
jquery functionality (behavior vs component hierarchy), and don't be
afraid to just roll your own if necessary. It's not that much extra
functionality that the library offers over just using raw Wicket and

My 2cnts.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012, at 13:02, wrote:
> Hi
> I was not thinking about  the base, ie AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.
> I was thinking about using one off the API - several components - could
> be accordion? could be some effects etc.
> So I was thinking about who has tried out both API's - has some
> experiences and suggest this API because bla bla.
> Hope I explain myself fully here.
> - Ronny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Grigorov [] 
> Sent: 02 October 2012 08:52
> To:
> Subject: Re: Wicket and jQuery UI
> Hi,
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 9:28 AM,  <> wrote:
> > Hi Wicket
> >
> > I have been looking at a) wiQuery and b) wicket-jquery-ui
> >
> > What API to use when doing a bridge between Wicket and jQuery UI?
> What exactly do you need ?
> The "bridge" is AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior - the base Ajax behavior.
> >
> > Recommendations and experience would be very much welcomed.
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >
> > Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
> > Ronny Voss
> >
> > Nordea Bank Danmark A/S
> > Online & Securities Processing Solutions Strandgade 3
> > DK-1401 København K
> > Mobile: +45 26711952
> > E-mail: 
> ><>

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