Dear all,

Wiquery offers a wide range of Behaviors in order to make components Draggable. 
There are a few Components which demand a certain type of tag to be used. 
We have experienced that the more flexible you make your API the more dumb 
questions people ask and the less they use it. Apparently they expect a magic 
library which can be included and read peoples minds :) 

Posts like are imo very constructive and do keep us sharp. Thanks for that.

From: Sebastien []
Sent: 02 October 2012 19:28
Subject: Re: Wicket and jQuery UI


I will provide an answer for wicket-jquery-ui and let people/users from
wiQuery answer about this last.

wicket-jquery-ui has several goals: the first one is to provide the jQuery
UI widget library as Wicket components, for both wicket 1.5.x and wicket
6.x. The work has mainly been focused to provide Wicket jQuery UI
components having (I hope) the same philosophy/logic as Wicket's built-in
ones, so the user deals with these components the same manner he usually
deals with the Wicket ones. This is the most important point IMO. In
addition, it provides - as Sebastien said - pure Behavior to allow users to
use it either directly or embed it in other components. The advantage of
using a Component versus a Behavior is that the Component can offers some
events handling (ajax, naturally). To answer Pointbreak, a Draggable - for
instance - is a Component for this specific reason, to be able to broadcast
events (using latest Wicket event mechanism) either to itself (most common
case for components) or to a Droppable object. It would have been really
much difficult to understand the event logic if only a Behavior would have
been supplied. For the Accordion, I did not provide the associated Behavior
because it straightforward to add it (as many others, but it is probably
not clear enough): add(new JQueryBehavior("#myId", "accordion")); I am
currently working on the accordion this week to provides its specific
Behavior and event handling...

The second goal is that the 'core' is also designed to integrate other
plugins, from simple Behaviors to complex Components. For instance, the
project provides an integration of the Calendar (from FullCalendar jQuery
plugin) and an integration of several components of the Kendo-UI widget
library. In the future, I think it will also provide an integration of a
really good charting library (but it's a secret! ;). I began to write the
tutorial series on how-to implement plugins but it is unfortunately not yet

wicket-jquery-ui is fairly new - the first version has been released about
6 months ago and has already been downloaded several hundred of time (I do
not have latest maven stats), the demo site recorded more than 2 000 visits
these last 30 days (11 700 page views). No just to give you some numbers,
just to say that it seems to be really in use; I use it myself - and my
colleges - at work on some big projects. And the number of opened issues
(very low) tends me to say that the API seems to be stable/reliable. (or
nobody use it in fact ;))

I do not have a lot a feedback about who - and how - the API is used.
However, I hope these few lines will help you to answer a part of your

Best regards,

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 6:44 PM, Pointbreak

> But why not for tabs, accordion, slider, and other jquery components?
> That gives you much more flexibility in separating what a component
> logically does (e.g. render various sections of data, widgets, etc.),
> from how it is shown and interacted with in the browser (view as tabs,
> steps in a widget, accordion, just plain sections, ...). In jquery-ui
> itself you also add it as a behavior to a DOM element. So why not offer
> that flexibility in the Wicket integration? Idem ditto for things like
> draggable, droppable, etc. Why not offer the possibility to make any
> existing wicket panel/component a draggable by having a
> DraggableBehavior? In wicket-jquery-ui you need to subclass a Draggable
> panel, which is obviously not possible with already existing
> components/panels.
> Just to clarify: this is my very personal opinion on how a jquery
> integration should be designed (and actually how I've done it for many
> projects so far). That's obviously very subjective. It looks like an
> impressive library nonetheless!
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012, at 15:30, Sébastien Gautrin wrote:
> > Hi Pointbreak,
> >
> > At least for wicket-jquery-ui, it offers also pure behaviours
> > integration for jquery extensions that are pure behaviours (such as
> > Droppable). I think wiQuery does as well. For ease of defining such
> > things for you own component, it is the main goal of wicket-jquery-ui;
> > take a look at the three tutorials Sebastien made (sebfz1) for
> > wicket-jquery-ui:
> > (note:
> > Sebastien is the author of wicket-jquery-ui).
> >
> > More on the topic, I as well would welcome experience returns from
> > people who used both (though personally I'm inclined to use
> > wicket-jquery-ui at the moment, but that's also because I'm biaised
> > after having been really impressed at how fast Sebastien integrated run
> > fox software Datepicker component to wicket-jquery-ui while doing his
> > tutorial#3).
> >
> > Pointbreak wrote:
> > > It's a very long time ago that I looked at the API's, so it's likely
> > > things have changed since that time. But the problem I had with both
> > > products is that they are mostly component based API's (meaning they
> > > offer an Accordion component, Autocomplete component, etc.). Imho, a
> > > much more flexible approach for JQuery integration is to offer all
> > > jquery-ui functionality as behaviors. That way existing components
> (both
> > > from core, other libraries, or your own code) can more easily be
> > > augmented with jqeury-ui functionality. And since it's easy enough to
> do
> > > it yourself with a few lines of code, I opted to don't use these
> > > libraries at all.
> > > There are a few things that require more thought (e.g. jQuery Tab-UI
> > > combined integrated with Wicket-Ajax functionality, but at least back
> > > then these frameworks didn't offer that in a flexible way either).
> > >
> > > So I would say, check the libraries for how you are supposed to add the
> > > jquery functionality (behavior vs component hierarchy), and don't be
> > > afraid to just roll your own if necessary. It's not that much extra
> > > functionality that the library offers over just using raw Wicket and
> > > jQuery.
> > >
> > > My 2cnts.
> > >
> > > On Tue, Oct 2, 2012, at 13:02, wrote:
> > >> Hi
> > >>
> > >> I was not thinking about  the base, ie AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior.
> > >>
> > >> I was thinking about using one off the API - several components -
> could
> > >> be accordion? could be some effects etc.
> > >>
> > >> So I was thinking about who has tried out both API's - has some
> > >> experiences and suggest this API because bla bla.
> > >>
> > >> Hope I explain myself fully here.
> > >>
> > >> - Ronny
> > >>
> > >> -----Original Message-----
> > >> From: Martin Grigorov []
> > >> Sent: 02 October 2012 08:52
> > >> To:
> > >> Subject: Re: Wicket and jQuery UI
> > >>
> > >> Hi,
> > >>
> > >> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 9:28 AM,  <>
> wrote:
> > >>> Hi Wicket
> > >>>
> > >>> I have been looking at a) wiQuery and b) wicket-jquery-ui
> > >>>
> > >>> What API to use when doing a bridge between Wicket and jQuery UI?
> > >> What exactly do you need ?
> > >>
> > >> The "bridge" is AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior - the base Ajax behavior.
> > >>
> > >>> Recommendations and experience would be very much welcomed.
> > >>>
> > >>> Thanks in advance!
> > >>>
> > >>> Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
> > >>> Ronny Voss
> > >>>
> > >>> Nordea Bank Danmark A/S
> > >>> Online & Securities Processing Solutions Strandgade 3
> > >>> DK-1401 København K
> > >>> Mobile: +45 26711952
> > >>> E-mail:
> > >>><>
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