Hi all,
I have a question concerning resuable panels, translation and the markup 

e.g. I have a page, which has its own property file providing 
translation for a delete button.
This page deletes, lets say "Cars", so the buttons label should "delete 

On this page is a resuable panel for the delete action. Opening a 
dialog... ask the user, to be sure etc. and here also, the headline 
should be "delete car"

So, the panel should try to find the nearest label "delete" in the 
markup hierarchy.

But: I always run into problems finding these labels, because the 
component (on its init) is not part of a markup hierarchy, yet.
Cannot find key exception...

What I dont want to do is, giving all page specific texts and 
translation to the reusable delete panel.
Doing so I loose this great wicket feature, just traversing the hierachy 
tring to find the nearest matching translation.

What I'm doing wrong? How can I handle this in a best way?
Must be something easy, I just cannot see...

kind regards
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