
On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Benedikt Schlegel <codecab.dri...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hey there, i'm currently trying to understand what is actually needed so
> Wicket considers a page stateful. Could you provide me some basic
> information on that?

A Page is stateless by default. It becomes stateful when:
- you call page.setStatelessHint(false)
- you add a Component which org.apache.wicket.Component#getStatelessHint()
returns false
- you add a Behavior which org.apache.wicket.Behavior#getStatelessHint()
returns false

> Basically, I want the user to authorize for the application and if he's
> not, he should be send back to the login page. In the case of session
> timeout, I want to add an error message to the login page, explaining what
> happened.

I'm not sure you are able to do this.
How you can recognize a request to an expired session versus a completely
new request to the app (i.e. there is no session yet) ?

> I thought of using a SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy for the authorization
> part, and solve the session timeout topic by subclassing the LoginPage (as
> SessionTimeoutReloginPage or something) and register that as the
> PageExpiredErrorPage.

PageExpierdErrorPage doesn't mean necessary that the session has expired.
PageExpiredException is thrown when a page instance cannot be found in the
page store. Reasons could be:
- the page is not stored at all (e.g. problems during serialization or
simply there is was no store operation for page with id=XYZ)
- the store has been overloaded and the oldest page has been removed from it
- the session has expired and all pages in the store (i.e. the history
stack) has been removed

> But somehow, I can't get that error page to show up.
> The SimplePageAuthorizationStrategy always sends me straight back to the
> LoginPage after session timeout.

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training & Consulting
http://jWeekend.com <http://jweekend.com/>

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