Still more info:  I drilled into my panel, and began removing things to find
what component might be interacting poorly with the enabling.  I found that
it is my ajaxbuttons.  If I remove all four, the page works.  If I put ANY
of the four back in, it interacts with the enabling to cause the form submit
button (which is not in this panel).

The buttons all look approximately like the following in java:
                add(new AjaxButton("removeAll") {
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
                        public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form 
form) {

            <div id="tabbuttons">
                <button wicket:id="addSelected" type="button" title="Add">
                <button wicket:id="addAll" type="button" title="Add All">
                <button wicket:id="removeSelected" type="button"
title="Remove"> &lt;</button>
                <button wicket:id="removeAll" type="button" title="Remove
All"> &lt;&lt;</button>

I'm going to start experimenting with different types of button, to see if
that matters.

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