Hi guys,

My name is Mike Pence. I think that I have dipped into this list a time or two 
in the past, but I am here, this time, with serious intent to use Wicket for a 
very big project -- big both in terms of how many users it will have, and big 
in its impact.

I have been doing Rails for the last 7 or 8 years (spoke at Ruby and Rails 
conferences about rich web apps), after coming from a Delphi and Java 
background (and Microsoft stuff, but I leave that out).

So, Rails is great but does not give me the modularity and component re-use in 
the UI that I loved in Delphi. I am making some assumptions about Wicket, and 
would appreciate your feedback on these assumptions:

1. That wicket lets you model rich and highly interactive web apps that can 
feel like desktop apps, but in the browser. (Examples?)
2. That building complex UI widgets -- grids, trees, custom components like 
timelines or graphs or calendars -- is comparatively painless.
3. That you can largely leave the markup and styling to the people who like 
doing that kind of thing (why they would, I don't get…)

I would love to do Scala with Wicket but I can't raise the bar that high, right 
now. If there was a JRuby version of wicket…that would be awesome. JVM runtime 
is a big win for this, because the project definitely will have many, many 

Has anyone done any work with wicket focused on mobile devices?

Appreciate your thoughts.

Mike Pence
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