I am a Wicket user since v1.3. The main application I develop using it is
SRMvision (free trial available at demo.srmvision.com, slow because of the
virtual machine that sits under). We have leveraged the component nature of
Wicket to apply good practices and it has proven being a very good choice
until now.

Anyway, if you want to build rich ui components you will need to write them
with Javascript and bind it with your Wicket components, this is fairly
easy and you will be able to unit test it on the Java side and javascript

For the design part, the size of our structure did not allowed us to
experiment working with dedicated people.  However, I guess designers
understanding html will be able to produce great gui ;-)

Regarding mobile devices, as long as it's html, it is easy, bootstrap,
fundation, and others made writing responsive Web applications a breeze.

Cedric Gatay (@Cedric_Gatay)
http://code-troopers.com | http://www.bloggure.info | http://cedric.gatay.fr
Hi guys,

My name is Mike Pence. I think that I have dipped into this list a time or
two in the past, but I am here, this time, with serious intent to use
Wicket for a very big project -- big both in terms of how many users it
will have, and big in its impact.

I have been doing Rails for the last 7 or 8 years (spoke at Ruby and Rails
conferences about rich web apps), after coming from a Delphi and Java
background (and Microsoft stuff, but I leave that out).

So, Rails is great but does not give me the modularity and component re-use
in the UI that I loved in Delphi. I am making some assumptions about
Wicket, and would appreciate your feedback on these assumptions:

1. That wicket lets you model rich and highly interactive web apps that can
feel like desktop apps, but in the browser. (Examples?)
2. That building complex UI widgets -- grids, trees, custom components like
timelines or graphs or calendars -- is comparatively painless.
3. That you can largely leave the markup and styling to the people who like
doing that kind of thing (why they would, I don't get…)

I would love to do Scala with Wicket but I can't raise the bar that high,
right now. If there was a JRuby version of wicket…that would be awesome.
JVM runtime is a big win for this, because the project definitely will have
many, many users.

Has anyone done any work with wicket focused on mobile devices?

Appreciate your thoughts.

Mike Pence
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