On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Bas Gooren <b...@iswd.nl> wrote:
> I'm not the one who posed the original question.
> Andreas, like I said: please show us some code, and we can help you pinpoint
> your issue.

Thanks for all the rapid help!

I've created a minimal page that shows the error. Basically no
difference from the original code (
http://github.com/javadev/wicket-guice-demo )

To reproduce:

1. Download and unzip http://aoeu.se/www/wicketguice-problem.zip
2. mvn jetty:run
3. Go to localhost:9090, then go to "Form page"
4. Try to submit "gavin"
5. Try to submit "gavin" again.

This results in the 'EntityManager is closed' exception. No idea how
to solve this. If it's unsolvable, I'll look into the Provider
approach, but it would be really nice to manage without it.

best regards,
Andreas Lundblad

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