Look at application#sessionUnbound(String sessionId) 

François Meillet
Formation Wicket - Développement Wicket

Le 17 déc. 2014 à 10:23, Rodrigo Heffner <rodrigo.heff...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hello,
> I'm implementing session management on my application, adding each
> authenticated session to a list. When users logout (session#invalidate), I
> remove their session from my list. My problem lies with session timeout -
> it doesn't call session#invalidate, I can only see the
> AuthenticatedWebApplication#onUnauthorizedInstantiation be called, but I
> can't get a hold of the expired session there. Any suggestions?
> Thank you,
> -- 
> Rodrigo H M Bezerra
> http://www.rodrigobezerra.com

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